Sand Castles

We went to the park and built sand castles in the volleyball pit with a bunch of cousins today. Mocha played hard and was pretty tired by time we left. She has been sleeping since we got home. I don't think I'll ever get the sand out of Kati's hair!


Tia said...

Just like sugar in your hair, I'm sure the sand will eventually come out. What fun!

EstesSBTAK said...

We have a sandpit in our backyard...and the sand is a permanent decoration on the kids most of the time. But... they have soooo much fun in it! Hey, your only young once! :-)

Tracy said...

How many times did you have to wash your hair, Tia? Good times!

Tia said...

Who knows, because once we went to sleep in the sugar coated bed it ruined the clean hair :)