The namesake

So, you're probably wondering who the heck are "the Aceys"? Well, Casey's brother, Russell, assigned us this nickname when we were dating. "Aceys" comes from the rhyming parts of Casey and Tracy. Many said "name your kids Stacy, and Lacy ... "and other such nonsense. We are not so cruel as that. And so we have two wonderful kids named Kaitlyn and Logan, and a very cute, but mischievious puppy named Mocha. And we hang on to our label, the Aceys (although the rhyming names are now outnumbered). It suits us.


Tia said...

Yeah!! Welcome to blogging!! I can't wait to see pictures. The puppy is so big!

EstesSBTAK said...

Your kids are sooo BIG! And too cute! Hope to see them soon! Cute dog too! :-)

Mrrudaltoyou said...

Awesome place guys. i've never seen a blog so yours is the first one. thanks for the credit of the name Acey's. I love seeing your family's progress and i cant believe how big Logan and Kaitlyn get each time i see them. I watched wild hogs over the weekend and wished i could be there with casey and jonah. I miss you guys and please keep up the blog with plenty of pictures.

Grandma Porter said...

Hey You Guys!!!!!!!!What a wonderful set of pictures Russell helped me to see. I love those little ones and of course their big parents also. Tracy, Your communication skills and rhetoric is wonderful as I read your feelings on fall. Hope you have a good time with Trish and Jonah and girls. Love you