I love my kids!

My kids are so different from each other! This thought came to me while I was watching them play with playdough. Kati was rolling a snake, a huge lumpy snake, while Logan was picking out little bits of playdough and rolling them very carefully, one at a time. Kaitlyn is super outgoing. She can carry on a conversation with anyone! (And often does) Yesterday she made a new friend while we were in the check out line at JoAnn's craft store. By time we got to the register her and this other little girl were holding hands and singing the ABC's together. Classic Kaitlyn behavior. Logan, on the other hand, is so shy!!! He won't even walk by a stranger, much less talk to one. When we're in new situations he hides his face in my legs, or his hands, and refuses to interact. Whenever anyone talks to him, sometimes even people he knows, he gives them a grumpy face and looks away. But, he's super sweet and fun when it's just us. My kids are so different! But in some ways they're the same. They are both very sweet, and silly. And adorable!


EstesSBTAK said...

It sounds like Logan and Kailea would get along great.. they can be eachothers shy best friends!:-) Playdough... oh so fun! Love ya!

Tia said...

That just sounds like my older brother and me, he was outgoing as a child and I was shy. Now we have switched, he's shy and you know I'm not. :) Kolton would talk to anyone and I would hide, just like Logan. I don't know if I could ever see Kaitlyn getting shy though.