Treehouse Museum

We went to the Treehouse museum for the kids' Literacy Night. If you have never been there, I highly recommend it for kids ages 1-8. My kids can spend HOURS there. For this event, the teachers were all dressed as fairytale characters and the kids were allowed to dress up too. I didn't let my kids because I'm a mean mom, and also because I didn't want to get their clothes mixed up with the many, MANY dress ups at the museum. All the kids had fun anyway, so I guess I'm forgiven. :)Playing school. Kati is ALWAYS the teacher.
Logan hates playing school.

In the rodeo center you can ride (plaster)horses and a bull!
Checking out some x-rays in the doctor center.
Playing Angry Birds! He was so excited when he turned the corner and saw this game.
All dressed and ready for their play.
In the science center you can look through microscopes at a bunch of different slides. Kati thought the human hair was really cool, and Logan liked the butterfly wing.

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