
So, our kids were supposed to get sleds for Christmas. Casey was sooo excited. He wasn't supposed to be home for Christmas, so before he left for work Casey made a super cool ramp off our front porch. Well, he got to be home but he could not wait for Christmas to show the kids the ramp. So, they got their sleds on Christmas Eve morning. And they had a fantastic time sledding. Logan was too small to stay upright so, he ended up on his back everytime. Kati had a great time and always wanted to go faster!!! Even Casey got in on the fun. It was so much fun. We had a fantastic Christmas this year! Casey got to be home, which was a fun surprise, and we had a relaxing day. We have traveled for Christmas the last few years so it was really nice just to be home and comfy. Kati and Logan woke up at 7 am and watched cartoons for an hour. Then we opened presents and had french toast for breakfast. Then the kids played while Casey and I relaxed a bit. Then we went to Casey's Mom's for a while and then Liz and Dave came over to our house and we had dinner and played games til late. And Casey added a new taller ramp to our sledding set up, so Brayden and Braxton were out front all day. It was a really fun, stress free Christmas.


Casey just found out he will be home for Christmas day! He wasn't going to be able to get it off, but his boss canceled the run for that day because there wouldn't be a trailer to take back anyway! I am so excited! So, when he gets home tomorrow morning he won't have to work until Saturday night! Yay vacation!

What my Christmas letter would have said...

Our family has had a busy year! We moved into our house in Roy, Utah and I absolutely love it here! We adopted a new puppy. Her name is Molly and she is a 6 month old Lab. She has had a bit of a rough start, but is learning fast. Mocha is doing well and is enjoying having another puppy to play with.
Logan has grown up so much this year! It amazes me the difference between 2 and 3 years old. He absolutely loves playdoh and baseball, and football. He is a boy all the way through and I am frequently reminding him not to hit people with this or that. He's such a cute little boy, though if you ask him he says "I am a man!"
Kati is in preschool and loving every minute of it! She is starting to read and enjoys spelling new words. She loves books and barbie dolls, and fairies. She is all girl and is always asking to wear her makeup. She loves taking pictures in my studio and dancing around to music. She is super excited for her baby sister to come and keeps coming up with names for her. Her favorite at the moment is "Cutie".
Casey is still working at BECO, driving to Denver 3 or 4 times a week. He enjoys playing his guitar and has recently taken up the djembe drum. He's getting pretty good. He also loves poker and is learning tricks with the poker chips. Some of them are pretty impressive. He loves his kids and spends as much time with them as he can, even if it means missing a day of sleep to go with Kati on her field trip. He's amazing.
I have been busy with school and am learning a ton! I really enjoy the challenge photography presents. I love watching my kids grow up. They amaze me. I am kind of freaking out thinking of Kati going to Kindergarten in the fall. She can't be 5 already? I am excited for the new baby to come. We haven't come up with her name yet, but I am sure we'll think of something. We still have three months, right? Logan just melts my heart even when he's being naughty. He's so funny, I just can't be mad at him. I'm in trouble with that one.
We hope this Christmas is full of joy and wonder and that your New Year brings you peace and prosperity.
From our family to yours, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

Ahhh... the Holidays.

Thanksgiving was sooo fun. Best year yet, I would say. The only down side is that when you're away from home for Turkey Day you don't get any of the leftovers. But the day was fantastic! And the Friday after was so much fun! My Mom and sisters and I went to breakfast with my Aunt and some cousins. Then we did a little shopping, and then we caught the twilight movie in the afternoon. (Love it!!!) and then we shopped a little more. My amazing brother Scott kept my kids all day so my hubby could sleep (he works nights), and I got the whole day off with no worries about babysitters, or calling to check in. I needed that day off so much. It was so refreshing to just do whatever I wanted. Everyone is over the flu finally (yay!!!), and I am almost done with Christmas shopping(yay!!!). We lost the christmas bucket with the tree and ornaments and all the sentimental parts of christmas, so I am sad about that, but I went today and bought a cheap tree and cheap plastic ornaments because I can't go without a tree one more day, but I am sure as soon as we get it set up we will find the bucket with all the good stuff in it, so I couldn't go too pricey. What do you do? I love Christmas time. Casey is going to be away for work alot this month and on Christmas day(bummer!), so I have been trying to get an early start with our traditions so Casey will get to be around for some of them. So, last night we were supposed to watch Frosty the Snowman on TV, but we couldn't get the channel, so Casey took Kati to the movie store to rent it, but they didn't have it, so Kati picked Barbie's Christmas Carol. So we watched that instead. It was so fun. After the movie we drank some cocoa and ate treats while we helped Dad get ready for work. Casey will be home for three days after this run! I am super excited!!! Time to hang lights!