Kati goes to preschool

Kati has been so excited to start preschool and today was the day. I dropped her off and she was so excited to get out of the car that she had to come back for her backpack. When I picked her up she stayed right in line until it was her turn and she was practically shouting when she told me about her day. She got to chase gingerbread men that had hopped out of the oven and stolen all the M&M's and stuck them all over themselves. ("They are very rude gingerbread men, Mom.") It was a very exciting chase and in the end, Kati caught two of them. ("And we ate them mom, and they didn't even know!") What a fun day. Tomorrow each kid gets to bring one apple and they are going to make applesauce.


Tia said...

She looks so excited! Sound like her teachers are really great, it's always nice to have someone else come up with the ideas of something fun to do :)

Kylee and Kevin Ostler said...

How fun for her! Sounds like an exciting class too, count me in for applesauce :)

Jenn said...

She looks so excited. And she is definitely your daughter. I have quite a few pictures of you making those same faces! lol

EstesSBTAK said...

Congrats Kati! Super cute in your new school clothes! Have fun!

KolbyJanine said...

o she is so cute. I found your blog on jen's hope that ok. I cant believe how pretty she is! isn't it so fun to listen to the things they say! its great!