
I recently had the opportunity to photograph my first wedding. It was an excellent experience and the pictures turned out great! It was a fun way to pay for a vacation to Vegas. I always love visiting family.

Kati has a fun week ahead of her. The end of school is sneaking up on us and they have a bunch of fun stuff planned. I am hoping it will be warm enough for their water day and field day.

The weather here is miserable and cold, so we have yet to plant most of our garden. There may not be a growing season at all this year with this freak weather. I really miss the warm sun.

Hailey has started saying a few words. She says "Thank you" and "uh-oh" and "Hi". She has such a sweet little voice. She's a bit spoiled because she's so dang cute it's nearly impossible to be stern with her.

Casey has decided to go to school fo the culinary arts. He is looking into becoming a caterer. I think it's a great idea. He cooks dinner every night he's home, and when he's gone I just heat up his leftovers. :)

1 comment:

Tia said...

Your kids are just too cute! Good for Casey he will be great at that, I have enjoyed many a meal from him :)