A new adventure

This is my sweet Logan, who up till now I haven't been able to get many happy pictures of. Even this picture, half a second after I pushed the button his head was turned and his face scowling. I am loving my new camera!!! And I am learning so much from my classes. I am taking so many pictures that my kids are tired of posing. I am working on a photo project and after 200 frames, Kati wouldn't slide down the slide any more. She was a trooper for the first bit though.
My handsome HUBBY!!!
Mocha, our brown puppy turned black dog.
This was just a cute picture. The exposure is all wrong, but my kids are cute in any light!

1 comment:

EstesSBTAK said...

Love the pictures. Looks like you are enjoying the practicing for your class! Good to see your family!