Kati's Zoo Party

Zoo Party

Kati took a few of her cousins to the zoo for her birthday party. We had a great time. It couldn't have gone better. We got to see all the animals, ride the carousel and the train, and play in a cool playground. It was super fun.


We had a fiesta with my family. We had yummy food, and did a pinata. Aiden broke it open with one strong swing.
Sharing the loot.

Kati ate alot of candy, and ended up with a very green tongue.

Kati's Birthday

Kati turned 4 on Sunday. I can't believe she's getting so big!!! We were in Vegas visiting my mom. To celebrate, we had cake with some of Kati's cousins. Kati helped me make the cake, and then she decorated it. It turned out really cute. Lots of sprinkles!!!
Happy Birthday Kati!!!!
Aiden, Treston and Logan helped Kati lick the frosting off the candles. So much fun.

Vegas Vacation

We had a fabulous time visiting family in Vegas last week. We enjoyed the hot weather, and playing in the water. We all had a great time at the water park with cousins.
Well... almost all of us.
Logan had a blast with uncle Josh. Balloons are his favorite thing.